To Grin and Bear
The Dark Triad and The Dark Tetrad personality traits.
All his friends say that he’s a really nice man - a quiet and unassuming kinda guy! Better known to everyone as Bob. Strangely enough, and for whatever reason? Bob gives you the goosebumps and spine-tingling shivers. Pay careful attention to how Bob makes you feal, as this is your body reacting to a bad vibe. A gut feeling or intuition from a place of inner knowing, providing you with an insight, into the fact that Bob is not all - that Bob is cracked up to be! The Dark Triad personality traits, refer to people who are high in narcissistic traits, high in Machiavellian traits, and displaying high levels of psychopathy. The narcissistic traits mean they are highly egocentric, hell bent on revenge with a bag of wicked tricks up their sleeves. The Machiavellian traits make them highly manipulative with a propensity for toxic games by engaging in psychological warfare. The psychopathic traits make them extremely dangerous, ruthless, cold, calculated and callous. Picture all the above toxic traits of The Dark Triads and imagine you wanted even more toxicity – just add sadism into the equation, for a blacker shade of dark! Welcome to The Dark Tetrad, which is a term given to those individuals displaying psychopathy, narcissistic and Machiavellian traits, including sadistic traits and behaviours. Both Dark Triads and Dark Tetrads are commonly referred to as dark empaths, which provides a good indication, that these folk are best avoided. These dark folk, dark triads and Tetrads are far from cuddly toys, the have zero empathy, so, please do not provoke nor antagonize them! These dark folk are less human, more of a destructive force of nature. This force was well documented in an ancient version of the DSM called the Bible. It referred to this as good old-fashioned evil. The word evil, doesn’t go far enough in this toxic configuration. Perhaps in the modern era, the essence of evil is doubly distilled for added potency. According to the statistics - nobody makes it out of life alive! An encounter with a dark triad might result in a premature departure and your untimely death. As they’ll happily plan for your demise with the same level of consideration, they’d give to deciding what cloths to wear. Anyone unlucky enough to have encountered a dark triad in the past, can also count themselves lucky enough, just to have survived the ordeal. In high conflict situations with these dark personality types aim to run for the hills! As total avoidance is the safest and best option. With these dark folk, they’ll do all they can to ensure that every easy escape route is blocked by endless obstacles – as they’ll revel in your prolonged suffering. If you are prepared to lock horns with such a beast and do battle, be highly cognisant of the dangers and real potential risk, both to your own life and the lives of others. If you prepared to act solely from a place of self-preservation and never act from a place of retaliation and retribution it is possible to defeat these creatures. But prepare for a long hard battle, using all the strength you didn’t know you have. Sometimes fortune favours the brave, other times fortune favours the downright stupid! Whether the battle is one of Daved and Goliath or just Wile E. Coyote vs the Roadrunner – only luck and time will tell. Hindsight being the foresight of fools and all of that, from personal experience, I wouldn’t recommend it, as even the smallest shallow victory will invariably take its toll. At some point in time, we all chose a path of light or dark, as the proclivity for evil is inherent within us all. Even evil people have the capacity for some good at some level, insofar as good people also have the same capacity for great evil, that’s just the duplicity of the human condition. Those who have not been tested, never truly know themselves! Viewing these folks as your teachers and your encounters as just life’s lessons, might help you. In life the lessons you fail to learn, you’ll get to repeat! Your views opinions and perceptions will be profoundly changed after an encounter with the dark types. The universe is comprised of many seen and unseen forces, a battle of equilibrium, where one force is required to counteract the effects of another, as hot needs cold, and light needs dark, perhaps in a way, good needs evil? But the closer to the light the darker the shadows, and the stronger the opposing force. They do say opposites attract! Sometimes two differing worlds can collide, as opposing ends of a magnet are drawn together by a strong unseen force, struggling to maintain a certain level of equilibrium, but working in different ways to restore some level of balance. We all battle unseen forces, both within and externally. Perhaps these forces extend all the way into metaphysical realms, and we all have a small part to play in a much bigger picture - a cosmic game of cat and mouse in an old black and while movie, scripted aeons ago. Perhaps there is a battle going on somewhere that we are part of? One that’s been dragging on since the beginning of time, a battle of good versus evil, and light verses dark. A battle for our hearts, our thoughts and our minds. Whereby our own thoughts and actions, can create both a hell on earth for both ourselves as well as for others. And by the same token, aligned towards the light, we can create both a pleasant place for both ourselves and others. And just maybe at a stretch, you could call that place a kinda heaven . . . and just maybe, that place could really exist? Not only within the metaphysical realms, but imbued deep within our consciousness and deep within ourselves.
Where art meets psychology.
Where art meets psychology.
To Grin and Bear
Where art meets psychology.
The Dark Triad and The Dark Tetrad personality traits.
All his friends say that he’s a really nice man - a quiet and unassuming kinda guy! Better known to everyone as Bob. Strangely enough, and for whatever reason? Bob gives you the goosebumps and spine-tingling shivers. Pay careful attention to how Bob makes you feal, as this is your body reacting to a bad vibe. A gut feeling or intuition from a place of inner knowing, providing you with an insight, into the fact that Bob is not all - that Bob is cracked up to be! The Dark Triad personality traits, refer to people who are high in narcissistic traits, high in Machiavellian traits, and displaying high levels of psychopathy. The narcissistic traits mean they are highly egocentric, hell bent on revenge with a bag of wicked tricks up their sleeves. The Machiavellian traits make them highly manipulative with a propensity for toxic games by engaging in psychological warfare. The psychopathic traits make them extremely dangerous, ruthless, cold, calculated and callous. Picture all the above toxic traits of The Dark Triads and imagine you wanted even more toxicity – just add sadism into the equation, for a blacker shade of dark! Welcome to The Dark Tetrad, which is a term given to those individuals displaying psychopathy, narcissistic and Machiavellian traits, including sadistic traits and behaviours. Both Dark Triads and Dark Tetrads are commonly referred to as dark empaths, which provides a good indication, that these folk are best avoided. These dark folk, dark triads and Tetrads are far from cuddly toys, the have zero empathy, so, please do not provoke nor antagonize them! These dark folk are less human, more of a destructive force of nature. This force was well documented in an ancient version of the DSM called the Bible. It referred to this as good old-fashioned evil. The word evil, doesn’t go far enough in this toxic configuration. Perhaps in the modern era, the essence of evil is doubly distilled for added potency. According to the statistics - nobody makes it out of life alive! An encounter with a dark triad might result in a premature departure and your untimely death. As they’ll happily plan for your demise with the same level of consideration, they’d give to deciding what cloths to wear. Anyone unlucky enough to have encountered a dark triad in the past, can also count themselves lucky enough, just to have survived the ordeal. In high conflict situations with these dark personality types – aim to run for the hills! As total avoidance is the safest and best option. With these dark folk, they’ll do all they can to ensure that every easy escape route is blocked by endless obstacles – as they’ll revel in your prolonged suffering. If you are prepared to lock horns with such a beast and do battle, be highly cognisant of the dangers and real potential risk, both to your own life and the lives of others. If you prepared to act solely from a place of self-preservation and never act from a place of retaliation and retribution – it is possible to defeat these creatures. But prepare for a long hard battle, using all the strength that you didn’t know you have. Sometimes fortune favours the brave, other times fortune favours the downright stupid! Whether the battle is one of Daved and Goliath or just Wile E. Coyote vs the Roadrunner – only luck and time will tell. Hindsight being the foresight of fools and all of that, from personal experience, I wouldn’t recommend it, as even the smallest shallow victory will invariably take its toll. At some point in time, we all chose a path of light or dark, as the proclivity for evil is inherent within us all. Even evil people have the capacity for some good at some level, insofar as good people also have the same capacity for great evil, that’s just the duplicity of the human condition. Those who have not been tested, never truly know themselves! Viewing these folks as your teachers and your encounters as just life’s lessons, might help you. In life the lessons you fail to learn, you’ll get to repeat! Your views opinions and perceptions will be profoundly changed after an encounter with the dark types. The universe is comprised of many seen and unseen forces, a battle of equilibrium, where one force is required to counteract the effects of another, as hot needs cold, and light needs dark, perhaps in a way, good needs evil? But the closer to the light the darker the shadows, and the stronger the opposing force. They do say opposites attract! Sometimes two differing worlds can collide, as opposing ends of a magnet are drawn together by a strong unseen force, struggling to maintain a certain level of equilibrium, but working in different ways to restore some level of balance. We all battle unseen forces, both within and externally. Perhaps these forces extend all the way into metaphysical realms, and we all have a small part to play in a much bigger picture - a cosmic game of cat and mouse in an old black and while movie, scripted aeons ago. Perhaps there is a battle going on somewhere that we are part of? One that’s been dragging on since the beginning of time, a battle of good versus evil, and light verses dark. A battle for our hearts, our thoughts and our minds. Whereby our own thoughts and actions, can create both a hell on earth for both ourselves as well as for others. And by the same token, aligned towards the light, we can create both a pleasant place for both ourselves and others. And just maybe at a stretch, you could call that place a kinda heaven . . . and just maybe, that place could really exist? Not only within the metaphysical realms, but imbued deep within our consciousness and deep within ourselves.