Little differs between psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorde. Not unlike comparing - the subtle but nuanced taste differences of the same poisoned wine! The disappearance of Psychopaths and sociopaths can be explained. The book that categorizes disordered folk, is better known as the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) The DSM gets revised and updated with each new revision. The DSM or the bible of judgement, documents observed trait behaviours. These traits are then further categorised into what is known as Clusters - namely A, B and C. With each new revised edition, some categories are removed, some are added, while other categories are just renamed or rebranded. The dreaded category, known as Cluster B is reserved for the personality disordered individuals, those who are deficient in empathy, unable or unwilling to regulate their emotions. In this fine class of Cluster B’s, you’ll find the borderlines and histrionics as well as some of the real dysfunctional delinquents such as psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. As with all those on the dreaded Cluster B spectrum, narcissists exist on a spectrum. It is not spectrum of bright colours, but a grey scale of muted monochromes, from dark greys to blacks. As individuals on the dreaded Cluster B spectrum, have a tendency to flip-flop between mental states, they can type differently, while sharing common patterns of toxic trait behaviours. Drugs do not work for those people on the Cluster B spectrum, it is viewed as both untreatable and uncurable. This is a personality disorder, and not a true mental illness nor psychosis. Those on the Cluster B spectrum function as normal, and know exactly what they are doing, but as they either lack the ability to care or they can over-ride their emotional states and detach. So, both psychopaths and sociopaths now fall into the category which is known as Anti- Social Personality Disorder. It sounds like a introvert who has a natural dislike for social interactions - although to be fair, the anti-social part does offer a slight clue, to an element to their character which relates more to anti-social behaviours. But moreover, the ambiguous title lessens the diagnoses somewhat, by almost depicting those relatively harmless folk with loutish traits, drinking cans of cider, hanging around street corners late at night, only guilty of perhaps? Kicking the occasional stray cat. Back in the day before the revised update to Anti-Social Personality Disorder, psychopaths differed from sociopaths, the main criteria for becoming a psychopath as opposed to a sociopath, was a proclivity towards crime at a young age and a criminal record. However, in reality the opposite effect was true, as psychopaths tended to be far smarter in evading detection, using superficial charm together with heightened cognitive abilities. By nature, psychopaths seemed better adapted to deceive others, evading detection with relative ease, committing methodically planned callous crimes. Psychopaths as it turned out, possessed a Genetic component that was missing from their poorer relation (sociopaths) That genetic difference is known as the genome MAO-L which is commonly referred to as the warrior gene. Thus, psychopaths were born pre-programed for life of chaos, unlike the sociopaths who had to learn basic programming skills from scratch, before they could even actively pursue a life of crime. As sociopaths had to learn how to become dysfunctional, they tended to be slower off the mark, sloppy, unsophisticated and very likely to commit crimes very badly i.e. by forgetting their wallet and leaving it behind them, at the scene of the crime. Thus, sociopaths were more likely to have a previous history of crime from a young age. The genetic component of psychopaths (genome MAO-L) Which accounts for their bad rap, is largely only triggered if they have experienced some kind of early childhood abuse or trauma, especially in their development stages. If it is triggered however, they’ll find a thousand different alternative uses for a chainsaw, pretty dam quick! All psychopaths are narcissists, but however, not all narcissists are psychopaths. Not all psychopaths are totally dysfunctional either or in prison, as many function as normal and many walk amongst us. The total absence or the low level of emotional empathy found in psychopaths, can be of benefit especially when working under pressure, allowing them to remain calm and unfazed, while those around them panic and fall to shit. They make for excellent surgeons albeit not out of care for their patents but out of care for their own reputations as top surgeons. In the high-end retail environment, governments or in the banking sectors, they are very common. They crave money, wealth, power and control - and some world domination! Narcissists in past versions of the DSM were known as megalomaniacs which might have been more fitting, because all of them are totally nuts! But prior to the DSM, In an ancient book called the Bible they were known as Jezebel spirits, empty vessels or plain old evil . . . which, even by today’s standards, it is still a good fit. Narcissists do however run on a spectrum or a sliding scale of dysfunction. Some of the milder versions are quite benign and relativity harmless, but the higher you go - the worse they get, and toward the higher end of the spectrum, you’ll find the malignant narcissist. While it’s important to always remain non-judgemental and never demonize abusers. But with malignant narcissists the lines can often become blurred, as these folk can foam at the mouth with little provocation. They are quite vicious, and if garlic won’t work, then try a wooden stake! An obsessive impulse to destroy you is second nature, and at this end of the narcissistic spectrum, very little, if nothing separates a malignant narcissist from psychopath, as most of the key trait behaviours become almost indistinguishable.
To Grin and Bear
Where art meets psychology.
Narcissistic abuse vs sociopathic and psychopathic abuse. Well technically sociopaths and psychopaths don’t exist any longer . . . What?
Where art meets psychology.
To Grin and Bear
Where art meets psychology.
Narcissistic abuse vs sociopathic and psychopathic abuse.
Well technically sociopaths and psychopaths don’t exist any longer . . . What?
Little differs between psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissistic personality disorder. Not unlike comparing - the subtle but nuanced taste differences of the same poisoned wine! The disappearance of Psychopaths and sociopaths can be explained. The book that categorizes disordered folk, is better known as the DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) The DSM is revised and updated with each new revision. The DSM or the bible of judgement, documents observed trait behaviours. These traits are then further categorised into what is known as Clusters - namely A, B and C. With each new revised edition, some categories are removed, some are added, while other categories are just renamed or rebranded. The dreaded category, known as Cluster B is reserved for the personality disordered individuals, those who are deficient in empathy, unable or unwilling to regulate their emotions. In this fine class of Cluster B’s, you’ll find the borderlines and histrionics – as well as some of the real dysfunctional delinquents such as psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. As with all those on the dreaded Cluster B spectrum, narcissists exist on a spectrum. It is not spectrum of bright colours, but a grey scale of muted monochromes, from dark greys to blacks. As individuals on the dreaded Cluster B spectrum, have a tendency to flip-flop between mental states, they can type differently, while sharing common patterns of toxic trait behaviours. Drugs do not work for those people on the Cluster B spectrum, it is viewed as both untreatable and uncurable. This is a personality disorder, and not a true mental illness nor psychosis. Those on the Cluster B spectrum function as normal, and know exactly what they are doing, but as they either lack the ability to care or they can over-ride their emotional states and detach. So, both psychopaths and sociopaths now fall into the category which is known as Anti- Social Personality Disorder. It sounds like a introvert who has a natural dislike for social interactions - although to be fair, the anti-social part does offer a slight clue, to an element to their character which relates more to anti-social behaviours. But moreover, the ambiguous title lessens the diagnoses somewhat, by almost depicting those relatively harmless folk with loutish traits, drinking cans of cider, hanging around street corners late at night, only guilty of perhaps? Kicking the occasional stray cat. Back in the day before the revised update to Anti-Social Personality Disorder, psychopaths differed from sociopaths, the main criteria for becoming a psychopath as opposed to a sociopath, was a proclivity towards crime at a young age and a criminal record. However, in reality the opposite effect was true, as psychopaths tended to be far smarter in evading detection, using superficial charm together with heightened cognitive abilities. By nature, psychopaths seemed better adapted to deceive others, evading detection with relative ease, committing methodically planned callous crimes. Psychopaths as it turned out, possessed a Genetic component that was missing from their poorer relation (sociopaths) That genetic difference is known as the genome MAO-L which is commonly referred to as the warrior gene. Thus, psychopaths were born pre-programed for life of chaos, unlike the sociopaths who had to learn basic programming skills from scratch, before they could even actively pursue a life of crime. As sociopaths had to learn how to become dysfunctional, they tended to be slower off the mark, sloppy, unsophisticated and very likely to commit crimes very badly i.e. by forgetting their wallet and leaving it behind them, at the scene of the crime. Thus, sociopaths were more likely to have a previous history of crime from a young age. The genetic component of psychopaths (genome MAO-L) Which accounts for their bad rap, is largely only triggered if they have experienced some kind of early childhood abuse or trauma, especially in their development stages. If it is triggered however, they’ll find a thousand different alternative uses for a chainsaw, pretty dam quick! All psychopaths are narcissists, but however, not all narcissists are psychopaths. Not all psychopaths are totally dysfunctional either or in prison, as many function as normal and many walk amongst us. The total absence or the low level of emotional empathy found in psychopaths, can be of benefit especially when working under pressure, allowing them to remain calm and unfazed, while those around them panic and fall to shit. They make for excellent surgeons albeit not out of care for their patents but out of care for their own reputations as top surgeons. In the high-end retail environment, governments or in the banking sectors, they are very common. They crave money, wealth, power and control - and some world domination! Narcissists in past versions of the DSM were known as megalomaniacs which might have been more fitting, because all of them are totally nuts! But prior to the DSM, In an ancient book called the Bible they were known as Jezebel spirits, empty vessels or plain old evil . . . which, even by today’s standards, it is still a good fit. Narcissists do however run on a spectrum or a sliding scale of dysfunction. Some of the milder versions are quite benign and relativity harmless, but the higher you go - the worse they get, and toward the higher end of the spectrum, you’ll find the malignant narcissist. While it’s important to always remain non-judgemental and never demonize abusers. But with malignant narcissists the lines can often become blurred, as these folk can foam at the mouth with little provocation. They are quite vicious, and if garlic won’t work, then try a wooden stake! An obsessive impulse to destroy you is second nature, and at this end of the narcissistic spectrum, very little, if nothing separates a malignant narcissist from psychopath, as most of the key trait behaviours become almost indistinguishable.