Where art meets psychology.
Narcissistic abuse terminology.
Scapegoating: To assign blame onto an innocent individual, in order to
deflect, mitigate or negate any sense of self-responsibility or accountability.
Victim blaming: To accuse others of the abuse, that they themselves
are guilty of doing to the abused.
Triangulation: To pit two or more, unsuspecting people against each
other, this can be either friends or arch enemies.
The pity play: Abusers will always look for sympathy or emotional
empathy by acting out, i.e., poor me!
Gaslighting: Attempting to alter one’s perception of reality, to keep the
abused second guessing themselves and questioning their past memories
and their own sanity.
Love bombing: Being extra loving when it matters, in order to gain
some prized reward.
Future faking: Keeping your mind fixated on a better tomorrow so
you’ll accept all the abuse occurring in the present.
Smear campaign: Dragging your name through the mud, so they can
look like the real victims.
Projection: All their issues are your fault; they’ll never hold themselves
Push and pull: Pull you close then push you away again, to create and
establish a trauma bond.
Black and white splitting: Viewing the world and its inhabitants in
monochrome, lacking shades of grey - black is everything bad, white is
everything good.
Baiting: Setting traps for you to fall into, and should worm your way
out of one trap . . . more will await!
Word salad: Conversing in a random and nonsensical fashion, similar
to speaking in tongues, to evade detection or to avoid important
Ghosting: Abusers will frequently vanish into thin air, often for extended
periods of time, loads of unanswered calls and texts, before reappearing